Saturday, July 14, 2007

Red Rocks Rocks!!

Last night I went to see Lyle Lovett at Red Rocks Amphitheatre... What an amazing place.... 2 huge sandstone monoliths on either side and a sandstone backdrop form the natural amphitheatre. In reading the history of the place... there were performances there as far back as the early 1900's. The CCC and WPA built the permanent structures and it was officially opened in 1941. The woman that sat next to me said the acoustics are so good that when exploring the place ( and you can come anytime) if you stand on the stage, speak and be heard at the back.
So imagine the natural beauty, the stars in the Colorado night sky, and top it all off.... fabulous music.... well that would have been enough... but there is more... we got back stage passes and met Lyle Lovett!! what a gracious man... not only talented...but warm and friendly.... We were hanging out downstairs in the room where the band members and their guests meet and we were getting ready to leave... Lyle Lovett came over with his hand extended and said "Hi, I'm Lyle" I was my usual stammering self... How cool was that! Pretty darn cool!

1 comment:

Amandadigian said...

That sounds awesome! Both you and Ali met musicians lately at concerts. Neat! How's Colorado? Is it getting better?