Friday, July 18, 2008

In the blink of an eye...

Well summer has arrived in Boulder... It is hot, dry, blue skies, puffy white clouds.... always beautiful....
I waited with excitement for Alison's arrival for the July 4th weekend... she was bringing her boyfriend and I had so many things planned ... hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park... a Rockies game.... fireworks at Chautauqua...many breweries that we missed on her last visit... Alison arrived on schedule... only I was not up to all that I had planned...
Life can change in an instant... one moment you are riding high (literally) and in a split second... everything can change... My left tibial plateau fracture has left me with just time... time to heal... time to contemplate... time to rest... time to observe... time to struggle with daily activities that seemed so mundane and are now huge mountains to conquer... yes... life can change in the blink of an eye... One moment I was riding my bike... finishing a nice ride along the Boulder Creek Path.... I was right in front of my home... and .... I don't know what went wrong... I don't know why I felt unsteady... I don't know how I came to fall off... but I did...and now life is all about time and learning... learning how to climb the stairs... learning how to take a shower... learning how to walk... learning how to get from one place to the next...
I feel like I have been on a 3 week roller coaster. My emotions are all over the place... I cry at the drop of a hat... my stamina has been zapped... but I have triumphs... I just did a load of laundry... I figured out how to get to the machine... I have scrambled an egg for breakfast... I have climbed my stairs and made my way into my bedroom...
I have faith that I can overcome this injury... I believe that I will heal...I pray daily for strength to heal, but since all I have is time... I also believe that this injury has come as a wake up for the universe... or G-d ... telling me... showing me... that this life is not meant to be lived alone...
Prior to this injury... I was praying to open my heart... to release my hurts... to find joy...
Here it is...with this injury...comes the startling revelation that no matter that I am an independent woman, I cannot do this alone... I need to reach out... I need to include... I need people... I need to ask for help... I need to open myself up...
I pray that healing of my heart also comes along with the healing of my leg...
I have time....

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