Friday, July 24, 2009

Wherever you go... There you are...

I love that saying from those Monty Python guys... I'm sure I've quoted many times... but I've been thinking about it a lot lately... "No matter where you go.... there you are".... so true... I've moved... I've traveled... I've "dug deep"... I've "been open"... but ... the things that I need to do.... are still there... the things that I've been afraid of... are still lurking there...
Changing locations has helped somewhat I think... I don't have the same diversions or ways to hide like I used to... and it has forced me to make new friends.. and discover new things about myself... it has even provided the opportunity for me to really do things for ME... but ... here's the funny thing... If you don't want to deal with something... lol... you will find other ways to distract yourself... a least that's what I have so ...What to do about that?... or what do I think about that?...Or better yet... What do I want to do about it?
I remember back in my woman's group... we were doing work on what was at our "core"... how do we reveal ourselves...
I remember feeling like an "onion" with many layers.. "my veneers"... outside... "strong"... "confident"..."knows what I want"... "in control"... "smart"... "attractive"... "put together"... and .... Surprise!... I felt very startled by this revelation... that the "face" that I put out to the world... did not match what I felt inside... My friend put this quote up on her facebook wall awhile ago and I think it is so true...

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are all in harmony" Gandhi

That is my goal... to try and be in harmony... everything match...
Yes... it is a work in progress... and...
so true... Wherever you go... there you are...